Wednesday, May 28, 2008


I'm not going to lie, I’ve been reading a lot, I mean A LOT! I just finished Tuesdays with Morrie, To Own A Dragon, and I'm in the process of reading The Purpose Driven life for Graduates (I know It's cheesy but it was a graduation gift from a super sweet woman and it actually is really good) and I'm getting ready to read At Ease: Stories I Tell to Friends, I read a lot. But it seems everywhere I turn in my reading they're talking about love! I mean EVERYWHERE! It's kinda spooky really, Tuesdays with Morrie was all about love, To Own a Dragon was all about love and the last couple pages-strike that-the whole Purpose Driven Life book is about love! I'm coming to realize that this is a big deal! Not just in relationships and how to get along in life and being the greatest commandment, it's kinda like the secret of life! If you live a life truly loving god then everything is suppose to fall into place and I believe it does! If you love god you won't want to sin and do stupid things, this is what I’ve been praying for for at least a year! And now it's hitting me!
But how do you love god? Yes you show god love by obeying, him which you do out of love, but how do you fall in love w/ god? I realize he’s probably been “wooing” me since I was in the woomb (haha) but I just can't seem to wrap my mind around it at the moment…I'll keep you posted.


Anonymous said...


Rachel & I were just talking about love last night. It is such an intersting subject.

We were recognizing how selfishness is the opposite of love, and how it's a lot of times against our nature to love!

It's all so confusing, but coming clearer!

Thanks for sharing...

bevmomduck said...

once again, the wisdom coming from my incredible daughters astounds me!

Courtney said...

I do think you have grown up a lot even in the past 3 weeks since graduation! I can honestly see the effect that this revelation of love has had on your demeanor. It's nice.