Sunday, July 19, 2009

A trick of the trade

"Guilty, I'm so guilty, and I'm guilty for the rest of my life...How come I never do, what I'm suppose to do? How come everything I try never turns out right? You know how it is with my baby, you know I just can't stand myself, but I've found myself in trouble and I had no where else to go..."

Here's something to try next time you get consumed by yourself: Go out and minister to someone.

The enemy likes to get you trapped inside yourself and your mind where it turns into a downward spiral of awfulness. He tried that on me this week and even though I didn't feel like getting out of myself and ministering to anyone there was a need, and as soon as I got encouraging words for that person I started feeling better, like a wasn't a failure. 

That song up at the top is an old one the Blues Brothers sang which I think Randy Newman wrote. It is an extremely depressing song about a guy who falls into drugs and alcohol and thinks he has no where else to turn to but a woman; thats us...We, as humans, Are guilty, our flesh is as guilty as ever. We never do what we're suppose to do, everything we try on our own never turns out right but that is the case of the fallen man.

This post isn't all depressing, yes we are guilty and deserve death but this is where that grace blog comes in, for some unfathomable reason because this crazy God sent his Only Child to earth to shed His blood for us some two thousand years ago we are set free.

We Are (present tense) set free.

So even if you've committed "your worst sin"* you are already set free from it, you were set free from it thousands of years ago before anyone back then even knew you or thought about you!

Let's accept it!!! Lets go out and share it! Get out of yourself! This life isn't about us, it's about God! and what He wants to do, sometimes we just need to remind ourselves of that. Col 3:1-3

"Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things Above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things Above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God."

"Fake it 'till you make it!" Use that imagination! No matter how dull You think it is God gave it to you for a reason! Think clouds and golden gates, cats with halos, (cats have 9 lives duh) anything to get you out of your own mind! (Col. 1:21) If you need help ask for it! We're all in this together! Lets spread the Kingdom of God! Hallelujah? Yes and Amen.

*Fact: All sin is equal, murdering is equal to lying; sex before marriage : stealing. No one sin is greater than another.

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