Friday, November 13, 2009

Some things about me:

Some facts you might or might not know about me:

-I am a female percussionist 

-I love being a girl

-I wish I could dress really cool all the time

-I love to bake

-I still struggle with my body image

-I can't wait to find my husband and be able to Submit
(email me about this and we'll twalk)

-I wish I didn't have to shave my legs

-I'm discovering that one of my top love languages is Quality Time

-I have the coolest boss ever!

-I really love the people I know but sometimes have a hard time 
expressing and showing them how much I love them

-My little cousins and I dreamed up a Sweet dream house 
not too long ago and you should ask me about it :)

-I love God and He loves me and sometimes I just want to 
scream it to the world

1 comment:

Courtney Clark said...

haha! Nice list. Wait... which boss are you talking about? PS: those "little cousins" are really not so little anymore and might not appreciate being called 'little'. Just looking out for ya.