Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I've got to tell you what happened last night
and what God taught me last night.

I play in an ensemble made up of some of the best
current and past band directors.
Mostly older men.
Directed by a talented and passionate older gentleman.

Well, last night I was hanging out talking 
and noticed an old band director friend.
Another friend and I were talking about this man
and the first time we both met him
when all of a sudden
 I had a swoon attack.

Believe it or not
I swooned.

Later on we finish rehearsal, I get in my car
and onto the road when I start feeling crummy.
So I start talking to God and asking him why am I feeling so crummy?
I thought back to rehearsal and realized 
I had gotten a lot of flattery before and after rehearsal.
From certain people and not from certain people;
but a lot of attention from older men.
And it dawned on me that I was craving
 affirmation and attention
from those older men I had been talking to.

So I was asking God why do I feel the need 
for affirmation and attention from these men?

I thought and thought and thought.
Then I called my grandad,
the wisest person I know,
and I asked him, and Ernie, why I was feeling this.
And they thought,
and my grandad said,
'Well don't you think men also want affirmation from women?'
'Well, yes.' I said.
'But it seems more prominent (needy) in women.'

They said that it's completely natural to want affirmation from the opposite sex
(keeping in mind to set boundaries, and know that your
true identity is in God alone.)

But woman was made from man,
and when a man and woman marry they are joined in a union.
A very powerful union
made by God.
And when you are together in this unity you are 
affirming each other without even using words.
So it is natural for our hearts to long for this godly unity.

Why does it happen to us women?
I guess we're just longing for that Genesis 2:24 covenant
to become one flesh.
A suitable helper.

I told my grandparents that sometimes 
it just seems to get in the way of things.

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