Sunday, September 12, 2010

The audition process

This audition (I started typing lesson)
could make my career,
it would do wonders for my career, my name,
and give me a step-up into ANY other orchestra, or job!,
in the world.

This is the most stressed I've probably ever been.
If i win this audition I could prove to people that I can do it.
That I'm good.

I'd be a twenty-four year old principal percussionist!

How many twenty-four year old musicians
can say that they're the principal of their section?

This is literally the job opportunity of my young life.

And I was fine
until last week...
then I started getting alllll emotional!

I'll cry at the drop of a hat,
get really ticked at tiny, tiny, things,
my stomach has been flipping for days,
and the audition...

is still 4 days away...

I'm starting to sympathize with pregnant women.

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